I completed a video.

Just a few of Bethany and Hanna who asked me to shoot some portfolio pics.

The Divvy received a design facelift.

Sun Valley opend recently so naturaly I snapped some photos.

I also shot some video at a Sun Valley sponsored night shoot. Maybe ill share that with you once its complete.

And you think I don’t study just because I am not attending school? hhhaaaa. thanks to Mr. Oliver for putting three books in my hand to read. So far I am captivated and would rather be reading than writing this post up. But a journal entry is long over due.

I read this tidbit today on master’s blog and its somehting worth publishing again.
“Whenever Michael Jordan gets on the golf course and his friends ask the stakes of the game–how much money they’re betting against one another–rumor has it that his stock response is: “Whatever makes you nervous.”

That’s what you should bet on yourself, every time. Not what makes you comfortable, but what makes you nervous.

Your muscles get stronger by running, jumping, lifting weights, by stressing them out, by pushing them, not by sitting on the couch.

Mario Andretti said famously: “If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough”.

And the one-liners could go on and on… Point being that you’ve got to push your comfort level to grow. That goes for your photography, your filmmaking, your art, your vision, your business, your whatever.”

Ide like to think that school is a place to push me forward (which it has done) but recently, pursuing my own passions, I have moved forward in ways school wouldn’t do. Working in the professional practice world has really made me step my game up. Because of my personal interest and outside/inside pressure I have learned how to control a camera, edit video and photos in ways any of the four schools I have attended hadn’t done. And thats just one of the many many lessons. I am also progressing forward in the sense that I am not taking any edu. loans out. I am growing my pocket.


Tomorow I will be tuning in to this session for FREE. Stoked

I have many fresh exciting opportunities brewing. You know ill post them up here once they are official.