Over the years I have dabbled in web design and because WordPress makes so much sense, I have been able to create a site in a few days for whatever I want. A music blog? My own website? A friends website? And more recently Hillary Maybery’s website. Hilary’s old site was entirely flash. I have always been opposed to flash. First off, flash player does not work on apple’s moble divices which are the best. Second off, they take forever to load and people add un necessary extras like music and spiffy actions. I guess you could call me a minimalist who gets straight to the point with no fluf. (Im not a fan of politicians) ahh. If the site is for a photographer, here is your site showcasing photos only, no distractions of music or fancy ways to view the images…. Another great feature of wordpress is that all legitimate bloggers use it. Now users are able to create web pages from the back end. No need to learn a new platofrm or separate your blog from your site. However if you are new to wordpress, don’t fret, its quite intuitive. Have you noticed my site? Its homepage is a blog and the rest are pages. The entire site is run through wordpress. And heres the kicker…It works on all platforms!
Bye bye FLASH!
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