Boy where do I start with this one?
Lets keep it simple.
I was hired to assemble 70+ pages of real estate listings in under 14 days. It was all done from scratch except the templates were pre built…kind of…thats another story……It was a wild ride and such a huge undertaking but I am SO STOKED its launched. I also brought on Conor Davis to help me with the massive amount of work. He was such a huge help and produced over four firms, about 40 pages of content. BOO YEAHHHH!!!
Our launch issue is out and I am very happy with the result. There are definitely some issues, and now that the majority of everything is built we will attack the few styling issues. Which is actually the fun creative stuff!!!
Conor and I are responsible for about 100 pages every month. They are split up in two areas of the mag. The prime listings sit near the front at about 24 pages and the back end has about 78.
This would be the longest post if I explained the massive lessons we learned but I am so thankful for my awesome colleague who taught us SO MUCH ABOUT PRINT!!!
Speaking of printing, I went to Denver, Colorado for press check at Publication Printers. Here are some images from the experience. Oh and here is a video.
I proofed on a few 11+ Million Dollar Machines like this GOSS
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